A Celebration of Stories Book

This has been an exciting project that has taken almost two years to pull together. I started using stories in my shows a couple of years ago. The stories I tell are really silly and ones that kids can relate with. The stories in this book have been tested in front of audiences full of children of all ages. I’ve been amazed at the response I’ve been getting. There are some stories that I thought would just be good for younger children and, to my surprise, older children and adults have enjoyed them too. Story telling has completely changed the way I perform. Now I get an incredible response from every routine I do. So, I’ve compiled some of my favorite stories in this book.This book also encourages children to write stories of there own by explaining the key elements in a story. Children will learn about characters, setting, action and conclusion. They will also learn about important things like nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives.
This book encourages children to use their imaginations. It also teaches children if they can think of something or talk about something then they can write a story about it.
However, one of the most important things in this book is fun. Each story is written around an activity. Every story has a magic trick that kids can do using things they can find around the house, or they can learn how to build a puppet of one of the characters in the story.
This book will be available at my show or it can be ordered at KidsComedian.com